Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Blog 8 - Poverty In Negation

Poverty is Bruce Wayne in Batman. Poverty is living in a big mansion. Poverty is driving a 2011 Ferrari. Poverty is drinking bottles of Chateau Lafite 1787. Poverty is wearing all the designer threads. Poverty is being the CEO of a major corporation. Poverty is living like Tony Starks. Poverty is the founder of Microsoft. Poverty is a private jet plane. Poverty is having a full staff for your house. Poverty is owning your own theme park in the back yard. Poverty is being A list celebrity. Poverty is having a diamond grill. Poverty is owning your own Yacht. Poverty is vacationing on your own private island.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Blog # 7

10 Bombs
1.Bumped her head sledding, took an x-ray to find a tumor.
2.Girl who went absent for a week came home not living with her mother or stepfather anymore.
3.Girl who threw up everyday at school and went missing.
4.Custodian fired due to an angry parent.
5.Teacher's husband had a heart attack and died.
6.Friend's sister was arrested for selling drugs.
7.Boy they knew shot himself behind his house.
8.A car of senior boys all died in a car accident.
9.Friend went to bed and didn't wake up.
10.A professor lost 2 kids to leukemia.

10 Entropy

1.Car breaking down again.
2.Refrigerator conked out.
3.Root Canal.
4.Window's in the room in still leaking.
5.House needed painting.
6.Son's shoes were getting holes.
7.My ability to play the flute that deteriorated.
8.Getting gray hair.
9.Type writer wearing out.
10.Baby sitter failing to show up when she was needed.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Blog #5

April B.

April has helped me so much in the year that I have known her. We have become so close in the last year. She taught me to be optimistic and get excited over even the smallest things of everyday lift. Not to take things for granted and to help people even though you don't expect anything in return. She pushed me and helped me get enrolled in school, she gives me encouragement in everything that I have done. She has taught me not to be so stingy with money and live life to the fullest. I look up to her because she excels and brings her 100% to everything that she does. I hope to get to the point and work on being more like her and put her enthusiasm into everything that I do as well. I also look up to her because she is willing to help anyone out without even considering the side affects. We had our AC unit break down this year and she gave us her window unit without asking anything in return. She also gave me rides to school during the beginning of the school year while my car was being fixed without asking for gas money. Or having to stay later past her schedule to wait for me to finish my class. She is probably one of the most awesome people that I have in my life right now and grateful that I met her exactly one year ago.

Blog # 4 People in my Life

Friend's That Have Done The Most For Me:

People Who Helped Shape Me:

People I Look Up To:
-My Mom
-My Grandma

People That Have Hurt Me:
-My Dad

People That Make Me Happy

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How To / Informative

How To: Grilled Cheese

In order to make a grilled cheese sandwich you're gonna need these items/ingredients: A pan, slices of bread, slices of cheese, spatula, stove, and a plate. We'll start off with turning on the stove to about medium heat. Place the pan on the stove and while it's heating up you can grab 2 slices of your favorite type of bread. With the pan heated up, place the 2 slices of your bread on the pan. Leave them on the pan and watch that they don't get burned. If the slices begin to burn lower the temperate. Different stoves have their own temperatures and they aren't all the same, so adjust if you have to. With the spatula in hand, lift the slices of bread to check if they slices are toasty. Once they are toasty enough for you flip them over and repeat the same for the other side. While the 2nd side is getting toasted take out your favorite cheese slices and place them on one side of the bread. You can use as many slices of cheese as you want. For this I am going to use 2 slices. Once you place the cheese on the slice of bread you place the other slice of bread and place on top of the cheese. Now you have the "sandwich". You can use the spatula and squeeze the 2 slices together if you'd like and lower the temperature if needed. Keep an eye on the bread to make sure they don't burn. Once the cheese beings to melt you can remove from the pan and place on the plate. You might want to let it cool down a bit. After it's cool enough to pick up you can enjoy your grilled cheese sandwich.

How it works: Water Cycle

The cycles starts off when the sun evaporates the water on the earth which is called water vapor. Water vapor can also come from the transpiration plants and when humans and animals breathe. As the water vapors goes up into the atmosphere under certain conditions it condenses and turns into clouds. As the clouds get heavy it gets pulled down by gravity and falls back to earth. In the clouds it can come down as rain, hail, sleet, or snow. When it falls it can land on the surface of the earth and flow along the earth and get into streams or rivers and reach the ocean. This water, called run-off, is the major cause of floods and erosion of the earth. The other part gets absorbed by the earth. Part of this water is absorbed by plants, evaporated again, and some of it gets under the soil and becomes groundwater. Thus the cycles begins again.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Causes of Global Warming - Man Made

Recently there have been more reports being seen on the news, papers, magazines about global warming. There have been different reasoning saying that its being caused naturally and others saying that we are the ones to blame. There are studies shown that our misuse and how we live our everyday lives are leading to our planet Earth to get warmer. We need to find a way to change our lifestyles to give a hope to our future so we don't lose what we have.

In the lumber industry and we cut down more forests for different reasons. "Between 25 and 30 percent of the greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere each year – 1.6 billion tonnes – is caused by deforestation." (www.fao.org) The trees and plants act as a cooling agent that makes the planet cooler. We are making the planet more warmer because we have less trees to soak up the carbon dioxide in the air.

Another example is with our vehicles more and more out on the roads releasing carbon dioxide into the air as well. "U.S. autos emit more than 333 million tons of carbon dioxide each year.." (www.edf.org).  Its causing the world to get a few degrees warmer. People may say its not true but there is evidence that the ice caps are melting. Along with it are the ever rising sea levels. It may take years for it to occur but its been shown that even in the water when its goes 1 or 2 degrees warmer it can kill species of animals and threatening coral reefs. Sea levels are rising and soon some islands will be submerged.

 Even the weather is changing slowly. "Top researchers now agree that the world is likely to get stronger but fewer hurricanes in the future because of global warming.." (www.msnbc.msn.com). Spring time will come earlier as well as getting cooler, warmer nights. With the warmer temperatures water is gonna evaporate quicker between rain falls leading to drought. Leading to more wild fires in the western states.