Friday, September 10, 2010

Causes of Global Warming - Man Made

Recently there have been more reports being seen on the news, papers, magazines about global warming. There have been different reasoning saying that its being caused naturally and others saying that we are the ones to blame. There are studies shown that our misuse and how we live our everyday lives are leading to our planet Earth to get warmer. We need to find a way to change our lifestyles to give a hope to our future so we don't lose what we have.

In the lumber industry and we cut down more forests for different reasons. "Between 25 and 30 percent of the greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere each year – 1.6 billion tonnes – is caused by deforestation." ( The trees and plants act as a cooling agent that makes the planet cooler. We are making the planet more warmer because we have less trees to soak up the carbon dioxide in the air.

Another example is with our vehicles more and more out on the roads releasing carbon dioxide into the air as well. "U.S. autos emit more than 333 million tons of carbon dioxide each year.." (  Its causing the world to get a few degrees warmer. People may say its not true but there is evidence that the ice caps are melting. Along with it are the ever rising sea levels. It may take years for it to occur but its been shown that even in the water when its goes 1 or 2 degrees warmer it can kill species of animals and threatening coral reefs. Sea levels are rising and soon some islands will be submerged.

 Even the weather is changing slowly. "Top researchers now agree that the world is likely to get stronger but fewer hurricanes in the future because of global warming.." ( Spring time will come earlier as well as getting cooler, warmer nights. With the warmer temperatures water is gonna evaporate quicker between rain falls leading to drought. Leading to more wild fires in the western states.

1 comment:

  1. When you say that the earth is getting warmer on average, how much exactly are you saying it will warm by? You mentioned that the earth had warmed an average of 1-2 degrees, which is not entirely accurate. At most the earth has warmed at most 1 degree in the past 100 years. The theory is that average global temperature is not a reality, but that different areas are warming (and cooling) depending on its global position. See for more information.
