Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How To / Informative

How To: Grilled Cheese

In order to make a grilled cheese sandwich you're gonna need these items/ingredients: A pan, slices of bread, slices of cheese, spatula, stove, and a plate. We'll start off with turning on the stove to about medium heat. Place the pan on the stove and while it's heating up you can grab 2 slices of your favorite type of bread. With the pan heated up, place the 2 slices of your bread on the pan. Leave them on the pan and watch that they don't get burned. If the slices begin to burn lower the temperate. Different stoves have their own temperatures and they aren't all the same, so adjust if you have to. With the spatula in hand, lift the slices of bread to check if they slices are toasty. Once they are toasty enough for you flip them over and repeat the same for the other side. While the 2nd side is getting toasted take out your favorite cheese slices and place them on one side of the bread. You can use as many slices of cheese as you want. For this I am going to use 2 slices. Once you place the cheese on the slice of bread you place the other slice of bread and place on top of the cheese. Now you have the "sandwich". You can use the spatula and squeeze the 2 slices together if you'd like and lower the temperature if needed. Keep an eye on the bread to make sure they don't burn. Once the cheese beings to melt you can remove from the pan and place on the plate. You might want to let it cool down a bit. After it's cool enough to pick up you can enjoy your grilled cheese sandwich.

How it works: Water Cycle

The cycles starts off when the sun evaporates the water on the earth which is called water vapor. Water vapor can also come from the transpiration plants and when humans and animals breathe. As the water vapors goes up into the atmosphere under certain conditions it condenses and turns into clouds. As the clouds get heavy it gets pulled down by gravity and falls back to earth. In the clouds it can come down as rain, hail, sleet, or snow. When it falls it can land on the surface of the earth and flow along the earth and get into streams or rivers and reach the ocean. This water, called run-off, is the major cause of floods and erosion of the earth. The other part gets absorbed by the earth. Part of this water is absorbed by plants, evaporated again, and some of it gets under the soil and becomes groundwater. Thus the cycles begins again.

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